This is great

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Royce once again you have shared a terrific point of view reinforcing the biblical world view needed so much across the globe today. Your ability to articulate such an inspiring position supporting We the People is outstanding. I hope you do run for POTUS one day. That said, you should also consider an unconventional but needed advisor or leader of the Catholic Papacy. Imagine if Pope Francis had authored this piece? The peoples of our world would be drawn to the Catholic faith like no time since St Peter and the apostles were spreading The Word across the Roman Empire. God bless you! 🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Royce White 2024

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Im speechless, Amazing you have captured the thoughts, feelings, and prayers of many Americans.

Its sad and pathetic that our own gov is so corrupt and they care not for peace and the lives of there citizens but drive and push all out nuclear war. They have become Satans minions.

Many of our citizens have not or no not that our politicans have little risk of lose of life due to a nuclear attack. Why?

Many of us are fully aware of all the DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Base) that have been built to give schelter, protect, and hide our treasonist gov reps if a nuclear attack is lanched.

I appreciate you putting this very well thought out and discriptive letter to Putin

My prayers are with you and that this letter gets Putins attention.

Putin must be getting some idea of the Nationalist movement after reading one of his latest statements directed at US states of the union, where Putins message was.

If any states succed from the US can request joining Russian alignment. What a slap in the face to this illegitament regime

Thank You Sir for everything you are doing for the people and our country to make a better world

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Blessed are they who make peace, for they will be called the children of God.

-YESHUA The Messiah

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Thank you Royce, for that thoughtful and full of wisdom article, I am ever amazed how articulate and grounded you are in the teaching of Christ. One day I hope I will be able to contribute my part in the revolution and the revolution is coming

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Excellent! I just wish you could get this to him! You are 100 % right on everything and you write beautifully too.

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Mr. White that was excellent!

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Amazing letter 🙏🙏

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Royce White, I have mad respect for you and the things you bring to the surface, but this appeal to Putin is misguided. Your request for peace is right on point, but understand Putin is not interested in Liberty in any way shape or form. He is KGB-trained in deception, still a member and advocate of the communist party, AND a graduate of WEF's "global leaders". He does not actually oppose them - he is as much part of our problem as Zelensky, Xi or Biden who all answer to this Rockefeller/Rothschild cartel. The New World Order plan is for Russia and China to subvert and take over the US. They are getting them into place. The idea that he is opposed to the NWO is a strategy - pretend to oppose the very 'wokism' the communists spent many years pumping to American culture and you will win the approval of Conservatives - who apparently have a very short memory. Putin's talk of nationalism is also strategic, much like Adolph Hitler's was, who was actually bent on global domination for his bankster bosses. Putin's "orthodox Christian" church is the result of many years of infiltration and controlled by Russia's deepstate. Do not fall for it, TRUST NOTHING THIS MAN SAYS. He is playing his part exactly as its been scripted, it is up to us to know better. Please explore more thoroughly the history of communism and its employ of Hegalian Dialectic psy-war strategy. Watch the Yuri Bezmenov interviews. Expose this predator, along with the others you speak of. The American Bill of Rights is the greatest Human Rights document in History because it opposes the poison of collectivism. That's why America is their number one target. Protect it, it is our roadmap OUT of this mess. God bless you Mr White, keep fighting the good fight. https://www.bitchute.com/video/3mJABiU1Q1oT/


Jay Michaels

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Beautiful and correct! Brought me to tears.

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Wow! You are just ..IDk ..I just feel your...uh .power I guess , in your words!

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This is an amazing missive. I discovered you through the Fearless podcast. I moved from Eden Prairie a few years ago to escape what I could see Minneapolis was becoming. I wish I was still there. I don’t know what sort of support I could offer as an old white guy but I sense you are a force and an important voice.

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Absolutely gorgeous. Please continue with introspection and prayer. What is occuring is of biblical import and your voice will be heard. I will die on your hill as many of my ancestors died on one, with honor intact. A life lived disengenuously is a form of death. The life lived with integrity is an eternal life with God. I pray for all of us in this whirling confusion to find Truth and live and die by it.

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Well done sir! Really well done!

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Royce, keep up the pace! And if you haven't read East of Eden by Steinbeck you should when you get a chance. I know you would dig it..

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