An Open Letter to the Washington Post
Truth vs. Fiction: David Gardner and the Impossible Burger Hit Piece
The Washington Post has completely abandoned journalistic integrity. This is no surprise, as most of you are products of the Marxist indoctrination camps we send our children to for an education. To be honest, this exodus from integrity was clear a long time ago. Still, I agreed to do this recent interview out of the slimmest hope that there were some decent people left in the cesspool of legacy media. It’s so grim… you people are the media industrial complex — the most brainwashed and braindead of the entire society. Now in your arrogance you have just crossed swords with your most dangerous adversary to date and I don’t intend to yield, EVER! I’m your new pen pal. As Doc Holiday (Val Kilmer) said of Wyatt Earp, in the movie “Tombstone”, after the outlaws killed Wyatt’s brother… “Make no mistake. It's not revenge he's after. It's a reckoning." You pimps of faithlessness are hanging on by a thread. I intend to cut that thread, releasing the American citizen from you nihilistic, sycophantic, frauds. On the record, in writing and with eloquence. Since you obviously believe us negroes can’t think for ourselves, this should be especially fun. Look Jeff… it’s a negro with a brain of his own! Quick, Get your camera! Well, I have a big brain and it matches my huge set of testicles, which does make me a man. All hope may be lost for some of the oldest institutions in this country, but us nationalist populists are rising up. We aren’t going down without a fight. We aren’t going down without bearing witness. You people are openly racist and that’s not even close to the worst part of it all. You are so bad, so spiritually empty, it increases the chances that we will defeat you.
Honestly, I’m not sure yet whether I’m disturbed or flattered by your most recent attempt to assassinate my character. You just couldn’t help yourselves… It never did sit well that a Black man, who would never board the sellout train, had risen up the way I did back in 2020. When I marched 15,000 people to The Federal Reserve, instead of the 1st precinct, you had an intuitive hate for me and it was palpable. Although your puff piece at the time touted me as a rising civil rights activist, I wasn’t buying It. I knew the truth then just as I do now. Had there been another sensible subject to do the story on at that time, you probably would have. How could you though? I organically organized one of the largest peaceful protests in the history of Minneapolis. It was totally unconnected to any of the grassroots organizations that already existed. No Marxism, Post-Modernism or LGBTQism rooted in it. Which gave 10K Foundation a sort of enigmatic quality that only amplified the energy and attraction. It was a calm energy, but it had authority. It was coordinated and focused, it was authentic and most of all it was informed. It pointed people to the real corruption in Minneapolis, but also every city across the nation.
The stark contrast between the article published on me back in 2020 by Robert Klemko, and the one from yesterday by David Gardener, pulls back the curtain, revealing what a partisan newspaper the Washington Post has become. Alongside all your underlying and overlying hatred for Christian men. Or anybody else who disagrees with your neoliberal, marxist, globalist, radical materialist ideology. The last thing you wanted was for a Black man to be both. In disagreement with the prevailing ideology and a Christian. I hit the 2 trait WAPO lottery of how to become persona non grata. Well… here I am ladies and gentlemen of the Washington Post… your man of the hour... TA-DA!
If you read that first article close enough, you can almost hear Robert Klemko pounding a wall that reads, “professional sports glory hole”, metaphorically speaking. Klemko, who used to be an investigative sports journalist himself, couldn’t help but repackage the same old false narrative about me, that had been churned out by the national sports media. It really is embarrassing anytime professional journalists do that thing where they go back and cuck themselves, validating the credibility of their own mainstream industry, by repurposing other terrible journalism from it. Sprinkle a little of that anti-Trump propaganda on the top and boom… I became the perfect guy to prop up, while undermining me the entire time. Most people could not see the undermining in that first, “A Towering New Civil Rights Leader” story, but I could. When you pacified the NBA for their lack of mental health policies, I knew who I was dealing with. The WAPO and The NBA are like two peas in a pod, that is best labeled, “President Xi’s farm of American, but really anti-American cucks”. Or you could say “Americans In Name Only”, or (AINOS). Truth be told… the one topic that WAPO, Bezos, The NBA, NIKE… or any other morally depraved institution and oligarch hates to see discussed, is “corporatocracy”. You especially can’t stand it when a Black man talks about it, because it sheds light on the “social justice for nothing” racket you’ve run on Black communities since the 1960s. Now the tragedy is replayed for traffic, clicks and liberal propaganda. Meanwhile, at the federal level, a similar grift is used to justify the federal funding that goes to non-profit’s. They all peddle similar storylines. These federal funds rarely make it to the intended communities and everybody knows it. We see the scam you lying scumbags! Whatever did happen to all the money from the — We’re donating hundreds of millions to Black communities, because it sounds good fund? Remember, after George Floyd died? Did it end up in the hands of the LGBTQ activists? That’s who primarily runs the pro black movement at the grassroots community activist level. Did it go to the same people that it’s been going to? The Black Bourgeoise… who are bought and paid off to stay silent about the serious issues. And here you tried to call me a “Far-Right media darling”. Your willingness to manipulate the American people insults me and if this were an in-person encounter, I would spit on the floor to show my lack of respect. Artifice!
Now that we got that part out of the way, I think I’ve sorted it out... I’m both disturbed and flattered. I’ve decided to express that duality here in this letter. What scares you all, more than my “far-right” ideology, is my ability to articulate the nuances of society and life. Why? Because you already know what WAPO readers, voters in Minnesota and the 5th congressional district, will soon come to know — I can swing votes because I’m not full of shit. That’s why you’re panicking. That’s why you do a piece with more “anonymous” pre-bake than actual quotes and substance. I personally gave 3 hours of interview time for this and only had one quote make it into this 4,000 word hit job. Is that what you people expect the American public to regard as journalism? Do the people that read those headlines and stories actually consider you to be a legitimate source of information?
Ok… I am disturbed. How? First, at the attempt by this David Gardner to use anybody he could possibly find, through social media, that I’ve know in my entire life. I had over 20 people call and say that Gardener contacted them about this piece. I’m actually totally ok with that, but at least have the journalistic integrity to represent the “diversity” of views that were expressed in that investigation. When you people read that piece back, during the 4 weeks it took to complete… did it seem legitimate to really only use the anonymous contradicting comments?
Does “diversity” only apply to sexual identity, preference, or orientation? Gender and Race? Is a diversity of views is not even on your diversity bingo card? I mean honestly… if I had more time to deal with this matter, I’d take 4 weeks to back track and find every person you talked to. Then I would present a counter article. Which I think citizens, or a media institution should be specifically built and dedicated to do. Thank you to Tim Pool, for exposing you idiots on the LibsOfTikTok situation. Which was a paragon for your high degree of moral relativism. Did you actually think it was ok to hyperlink someone’s private work details, in pursuit of “gender justice?” No, it’s actually so much worse than that. Whenever you people say social justice, you really view yourselves as a high court, capable of issuing out physical consequences in the real world. I actually kind of like the idea of that game, so can we at least play it both ways? How fast would David Gardner or the Washington Post, go full Karen and call the police, if 10 of my boys… you know… from the hood… rolled up and confronted you pencil neck dweebs for your misrepresentation of my mother? Would “Black Lives Matter” then? No. You pencil powered, keyboard warriors, would piss your pants. Afterwards you’d probably have some strange pagan healing session, offered by the company, where you get together and discussed how afraid you were of the scary Black people.
That’s just one example of your hypocrisy. And I do believe it’s a salient one. Here’s a list of some others… I speak for myself, but also on behalf of a growing number of Black people in America, when I say we are tired of you White liberals telling us who we should believe is racist. We are fully capable of discerning who is racist and who isn’t for ourselves. How demeaning is it, when you people trip over one another, on the way to the podium with the latest PSA on who is a racist? Then you sell it as though you’re doing it to benefit Black people or protect us from the “Far-Right” Nazis. Like who exactly? Let me get this right… Steve Bannon, Alex Jones and Tim Pool are racists? I’ve spent time with Steve and Tim in person, and they couldn’t be more down to earth. Alex Jones, I haven’t met in person, but am looking forward to it. The man is an American icon. These people are not Nazis. In fact, to characterize them as “Far-Right”, should automatically discredit and disqualify you from being taken seriously in the public discourse. But you didn’t stop there… you wanted to push the envelope even further. To call me a “darling” of this fictional “far-right” is far out. To call me a “darling” is also kind’ve sexually suggestive, isn’t it? What is really meant by the word “darling”? Do you mean to say that I, as a Black man, am being used or pawned for some sort of visual manipulation? Am I not Black enough for you? Or am I too Black for them? Which one is it exactly? I’m actually confused about this particular verbiage. Do you mean to say that I am incapable of coming up with these views on my own? Or as a Black man, I could only gain the support and praise from conservative White men, to help their hidden agenda? Do you think that’s a very kind thing to say to a Black person? Not that I really give a f***, I just want know if you all really believe that’s a decent thing to say to a Black man. It’s like telling us Blacks that unless we get a leg up in life, from you, we’ll never be successful. Oh wait! That is something you say to us.
This strategic attempt to have carte blanche, in categorizing who is racist and who isn’t, holds much more than meets the eye. Yes, it’s an attempt for you zealots to caricature any political or ideological opposition, but the real play is much more sinister. First, I don’t find Steve Bannon to be a racist at all. I don’t find it racist to say American jobs, that were shipped overseas or given to illegals, should be given to Black and Hispanic citizens. There are some things in society I do find overtly racist. For example, when Joe Biden said if I didn’t vote for him then I wasn’t Black. That was categorically racist. I know it’s been said a bunch of times, but honestly, it doesn’t get much more racist than that. Except for that time when Joe Biden told the Congressional Black Caucus, Blacks needed to go team up with the Latinos because in the coming years, their population here in America would exceed ours. That’s actually one of the most racist thing I’ve heard in my entire life. The Democrat platform is explicitly open borders and pro-abortion. To tell Black people that our population size will determine our political leverage, is in contradiction to the racism of eugenics, masquerading as a woman’s right to choose. You people have really lost your damn minds, to think that we were going to sit back and continue to allow you and these Black bourgeoisie sellouts, to negotiate on our behalf. Your goal is Black genocide. 20 million killed since 1973. It almost reads like a McDonald’s slogan.
That’s really the scam here though. It’s not just to tell people, Black people, who’s racist and who isn’t — This entire strategy is to create a cover story for the real racism. The most racist policies facing Black America, based on Joe Biden’s own sentiments, are those around abortion and immigration. Based on what Joe Biden said we need to get our numbers up! This is a race to the finish! Which demographic has the most voters… right? Which group has enough votes to leverage and lobby our politicians? Does that sound anything like justice? Does that sound anything like real leadership? Like sacred honor?
I’ll say it again for the people in the back… Abortion, Open Borders, Welfare, and Globalism are the biggest political issues facing Black people in America. I know your CRT curriculums aren’t emphasizing those topics. I know that because it’s very easy to see that CRT is actually a predicate for Abortion, Open Borders, Welfare, and Globalism. Which is also approaching maximum level racism. To take the history of a people, their crisis of identity and self-worth, and tell their children they can never be equal without your help, is predatory in every way. Without the help of your open border policies. Without the help of your Welfare State. Without the help of your globalism and global citizenship. F*** you people! The mid-term numbers for Biden in the Black community are tanking… and it isn’t because he keeps falling asleep. That is a reflection on the corporatocracy as well, but that isn’t the main driver of this approval plummet. This is Black America waking up at a rapid rate. When it finally kicks in and spreads throughout Black America, how this scam really works, you people are finished. And none too soon.
That’s what these hit pieces are really for. That’s what CRT is really for. They are both one in the same. They are two sides of the same evil coin. They are both a professional, psychological operation, aimed at controlling the minds of Black people socially, politically, economically, and even spiritually. How far your intent is from our Constitution is no surprise, since you are MARXISTS. The control of Blacks is a beta test (pun intended) for the control of all people. The one error you’ve made is that this form of control also has a predicate… one that left unsatisfied, will bring about the implosion of your scam. You have to deliver on the high, the material promises, and the perceived correlation of the two, from one person to the next. This is just modern communism. This will not work just as it never has. The race to virtual reality, micro houses, and impossible burgers will not come soon enough. Your Maoist fantasy is just that, a fantasy. Before I see a white liberal pencil neck like David Gardner, mislead us into a psychological gas chamber, I will dedicate my life to upend you people. I will go and speak to a million people. I will put my hands on them and profess the gospel. Do you really believe your newspaper carries the power and authority of the ONE TRUE GOD? Oh wait! I forgot… you don’t believe in God. And that was probably the most racist idea in the entire article. To group Christianity in a set of claims said to be conspiracy theories, is just offensive. It is not surprising at all. You people can talk about race, gender, and sex all you want. True believers and those on their way to faith, can see the real battleground and who the real target is. You all are anti-God. You make the claim that Christianity is almost synonymous with “White Nationalism” and by default, a conspiracy theory in its own right. This will ultimately lose you the Black community as well. But more importantly, you’ll lose your souls in the eternal. The racist part of it is… wait for it… Jesus was Black. Or at least we know he wasn’t White. He certainly wasn’t this caricature of White, that is equated with the “White Nationalism” you depict. To use the changing of Jesus’s image as a proof positive of Christianity being white supremacy, is the biggest logical fallacy of all-time. Literally… it is the biggest logical fallacy in history. Changing the image of Jesus for political or social reasons, was a whitewash of Jesus. Which we know did happen. But just like manifest destiny, or the crusades, this is not a reflection upon Jesus himself or God for that matter. This is a failure of man and his character.
God is and should be the unifying principal of all people… it’s no wonder then that his One Begotten Son came from the center of the world. You people have tried to take that from us for one reason; to keep us divided in faithlessness. To can rule us with tyranny and a depravity put in the place of God, as the new unifying factor. David Gardner, the best I can hope for you, is that you are too stupid to understand who you are working for or what you are doing.
Ok I’ll admit it, I’m a little flattered. Today the overwhelming evidence shows us, when an individual positions themselves in any way that poses a real threat to the establishment, the purveyors of the status quo come down on them. I know, I know, I went off the script. I was supposed to take the NBA money and keep my mouth shut. I was supposed to be thankful that my GOD GIVEN ability made me rich and famous. I was supposed to put on a dress. Just come out and say it… Come out and say I’m a crazy n**** for not taking the money and wearing a dress. Because any honest person reading this knows, if I had done that in some upside-down alternate universe, this piece would have tried to canonize me in The Church of LGBTQ. It’s so obvious to see really. You hate that I’m a heterosexual Black man. Honestly, I’m quite surprised this hit piece didn’t bear the signature of some good ol straight shaming, sexual rumors or allegations. Maybe that’ll be next! Where there is a beta male, there’s a liberal White woman lying in the weeds, ready to pounce. Norma McCorvey! This entire hit piece talks about my character but no real focus on my politics. No real focus on the contrast between myself and my opponent Ilhan Omar. Who recently took a trip to Kashmir that could potentially start WWIII. This is what I mean when I say French Fry Politics. America must reject this practice from your newspapers and every other institution.
Not only did you make it plainly obvious how much hatred you’re harboring for Christian Black men… you’re kind of showing your teeth about Black women as well. Getting my single mother’s job title wrong? How disrespectful is that? You could’ve just called and asked me what my mother did for a living. How did you deduce she was a waitress with no verification? Did you really want to call her a stripper but thought that would be a little too vulgar? What is going on over there? My mother was an esthetician. She was a single mother and worked hard to make ends meet. You show people that your support for Black women is conditional and contingent upon them adopting the political views of White liberals. Is she no longer part of the “protected class” because she has a Black son who is running as a Republican? That sort of proves the entire “protected class” narrative for the scam that it truly is.
Then you tried to mischaracterize me as a “former” mental health advocate. Who now, due to my “Far-Right” political views no doubt, must be suffering from psychological crisis or deterioration. At least now you are willing to go on the record and admit that I fought for a broader mental health policy in the NBA. Of which I was clearly ahead of my time and paid a significant professional penalty for. In reality, wouldn’t that be a testament of my overall integrity and political intuition? You know… the ability to understand the benefits and drawbacks of policy… or the lack thereof? In this piece you admitted I was an early mental health advocate in the NBA, yet still you hesitate to openly associate that advocacy with the NBA being admittedly out of touch with the overall mental health epidemic. We know how selective you all are with words pandemic, epidemic, etc. This same NBA is still grossly out of touch today. With mental health for sure, but what institutional goodness and morality look like. They have no national honor whatsoever. I guess my history fighting the NBA would make me too much like a Colin Kapernick… except not on the plantation and reading wokeism! I guess when you really think about it, there’s no greater evidence of institutional racism, than that of the liberal media in my story. An unspoken, institutional racism, where the prerequisite for a Black man to have a platform, is his alignment with the political winds of the establishment. That would be the definition of a Quid Pro Quo. Do you remember that phrase? Man, Colin Kapernick was really used by you people. Or maybe he used you… I’m not quite sure yet. I’m still sorting that one out. I know before Kaepernick ever took a knee, I was talking about corporate culture and the human condition. At a time when you people wanted no part of either. You still don’t for that matter.
An important point to make around your comments about my health… It is very common and should always be encouraged for people to go to the hospital when they have panic attacks. I have never actually been hospitalized with panic attacks though. That was just complete misinformation. But let’s take a look at the larger implications of this one-way door to virtue signaling and censorship. David Gardner made the claim that I have spread misinformation and conspiracies about Covid-19 and Ivermectin… which isn’t true… but then brought up hospitalization, in some strange attempt to discredit me. Which was also untrue, but nevertheless…. are you attempting to mental health shame me? Are you spreading false information about my medical history? Is that considered medical misinformation? Does Big Tech ever censor the mainstream media when they behave this way? People who suffer from panic attacks usually have all the symptomatic presentation of a serious cardiovascular or respiratory condition. Most of the time, requiring an individual to do labs and/or an EKG, to rule out heart attack and other life-threatening problems. Are you discouraging people from the consensus on seeking medical attention when exhibiting potential life-threatening symptoms? Such as shortness of breath or chest pains? I think the next chapter of mental health advocacy and general health ethics should probably land at the front door of the Washington Post. I apologize that my medical opinions aren’t brought to you by Pfizer! Where do you people get off deciding which medical information to censor or condemn and which to ignore completely? Oh I forgot! The great pandemic gave you that “emergency authority” didn’t it? Artifice!
You people are just corrupt as the day is long. You can’t stand the idea that Black people are getting wise to this political scam. And it is a scam of biblical proportions. I highlighted many of the dishonest presuppositions and claims of this hit piece… I could keep going but why bother? Really, I just wrote this response to go on the record and exhibit what all citizens should do in the face of institutional corruption. Especially those who love this country and God. Bear Witness! Rebuke and Refute! Part of me wanted to show you how a person who writes and actually thinks, FREELY, and AUTHENTICALLY, without editors and megalomaniac overlords. It didn’t take ME 4 weeks to do it. It took me 24 hours. Where’d they teach us n***** how to read and write this good? I’ll tell you one thing… it wasn’t at public school. Before you can learn to read, you have to know how to see and think. If I’m being honest, I was actually in a bit of a weird spot in this regard. I wanted to go deep on a few issues, but I figured you wouldn’t open this anyway. In comparison to the intellectual depth and substance of my other writings, I actually dumbed this one down on the off chance you do read it.
The referendum has already begun. I am a nationalist populist. I am a proud Black American. There is nothing “far-right” about my views. I hope to help restore America’s faith in God and our national honor. I will fight the momentum of globalism and State tyranny. I am going to be continuously promote the sanctity of life and the antihuman ethos of The 4th Industrial Revolution. Robots will not replace us! American citizenship is under attack by enemies foreign and domestic. It is not a conspiracy to say New World Order. Especially when world leaders are letting it slip in public on a weekly basis. In fact, they’re not letting it slip, they’re professing it with the utmost enthusiasm. The global effects the local. We have a $30 trillion+ national debt. Which seemed to be something that didn’t get any attention in this piece. A national debt that threatens to ruin our economy and crash our currency. The food insecurity alone is a scary development in the last few months. Did you people ever think to yourselves, what you do is actually of importance to society?
Royce Alexander White
Free People of America
P.S. At least have the integrity to fix the blatant errors in the piece. Or just leave them and continue to go down in a ball of flames as the failing newspaper of tomorrow. The propaganda is fueling the fire… I would tell you to stop, but to be honest I think we’re beyond the point of no return. It’s better to go forward now rather than back. Pour it on, all that can happen is more and more people begin to see the truth. It won’t be long, that’s how preposterous some of these lies have become.
Ignibus Libertatis… Cinis De Tyrannis…
I’m running for Congress in MN-CD5 against Ilhan Omar as the GOP candidate. Visit the campaign at #Godspeed
LFG brother. LFG. I’m white and 67. And you are my brother in arms. Unvaxxed. Undaunted. Unafraid. LFG.