I’m running for Congress in MN-CD5 against Ilhan Omar as the GOP candidate. Visit the campaign at roycewhite.us #Godspeed

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LFG brother. LFG. I’m white and 67. And you are my brother in arms. Unvaxxed. Undaunted. Unafraid. LFG.

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Royse I'm 50 years old. I was raised not judge by external differences but by the size of the heart. You are exactly what this Country needs . Godspeed !!!!!

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I love reading you're writing...its so Damned good. I'm pretty introverted by nature and just want to live my life and be left alone. Im not confident in my ability to articulate under pressure.. But more and more reading folks like you are lighting a fire in me.

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Royce Alexander White, you make me want to defect from California, and become a resident of Minnesota just so I can vote for you!

You are a truly refreshing and courageous voice of the true American people! You precisely articulate what so many of us are feeling. Those of us who once drank the kool-aid, but then who, one way or another, made our way past Stockholm syndrome… can especially relate and appreciate your fervor for exposing the global gaslighting: “The control of Blacks is a beta test (pun

intended) for the control of all people”. Nailed it!

Your conflicted relationship with the NBA was no accident. Basketball was not your destiny. God had other plans you…

The NBA served the purpose of bringing our attention to Royce Alexander White, and to the cause of mental health/awareness.

You are a poet at heart, a man of God,

a leader of people. You are both a reverend and reverent. The NBA brought you to us. Now you can help bring us back to HIM.

You expose “sanctimonious“, aka “virtue signaling”, as the hoax it is. You expose the liberal obsession with projecting onto conservatives the very thing they are actually doing! You call out the racists for pointing the finger at ‘racists’! When you speak the truth, our hackles rise because your words reverberate in our bones. “Americans In Name Only: (AINOS).. haha, touché!!

The progressive lefties and the Washington swamp-things can continue their Rocky Horror Picture Show as it is quickly becoming a cult classic. The shine is wearing off the moral high ground and now we all can see the filth.

P.S. who the F&#%! is David Gardner? #couldn't care less

Royce Alexander White “RAW” … talk about living up to your name!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! 🙏

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Royce, It was a privilege to read your open letter. My prayers are with you, we need more people like you in Congress. God be with you.

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Fuck white liberals...fuck corrupt corporate overlords, and especially FUCK the Globalist scum trying to enslave humanity!!!..I got your back!!.

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MN needs Royce White, congress needs Royce White, America needs Royce White.

Never doubt it...WE are with you Royce.

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The tagline of WAPO expresses their wish, a desire which will not come to pass thanks the voices of men like Royce White showing the open manipulation and deception of their method, and by doing so is freeing people of their chains. To get out of Wonderland you have to want to get out though. Godspeed!

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Rockin' the free world! This is a long way from over. As Bannon says we will destroy the demorat party as a institution once and for all!

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Royce, that was brilliant. I heard you yesterday on Whitlock’s podcast. You are the real deal man. I am a 52 year old white guy and I am in awe of your courage, message and presence. I believe you should go with flattered all the way. You make them uncomfortable because you will not be put on a box. I am so grateful for your work on mental health. As someone who has dealt with anxiety for years it means a lot to hear about it. I’m thankful you aren’t in the NBA because I won’t watch it and I wouldn’t know who you were if you still played. Also as a side note, thanks for not responding to Jason yesterday regarding Farrakhan. As a Jew he has been extremely hateful. It’s one thing I can’t reconcile with Jason Whitlock on. I feel he really does harbor some issues with Jews or just doesn’t know any that aren’t left wing nut jobs or rap managers. Anyway, you have always said kind things and even though I am in no way religious or practice it still means something. I truly hate that there is any divide between Jews and black or African Americans. I never felt it and would love to heal it. I love Whitlock and listen all the time but that bugs me a bit. But, I’m not a 1 issue asshole you can’t see the big picture and the man has a great message.

Anyway, I’m a huge fan of yours, I think you are destined for massive things and I hope you stay brave cause these mother fuckers are coming after you. You’re to good for them to ignore.

God Bless you Royce.

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Rice fantastic article you write so well. May the fires of liberty make ashes of tyranny

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This is your best article yet. Thank you for staying true to your convictions.

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Dear Royce, I am a 62 year old white American woman. I'm an Esthetician like your Mom was. I love America and my Freedom! I love reading your letters to these Idiots who are ruining our country! I stand with you! I will support you, and God Bless you for taking this fight for our Freedoms on!

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Seriously the best thing I’ve read all year. Better than anything the WaPo is capable of publishing with their entire staff. Bravo

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