I’m running for Congress in MN-CD5 against Ilhan Omar as the GOP candidate. #Godspeed roycewhite.us

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Wow!! Reading this all I could do was cry! What have we done and what have we allowed to happen in our own hearts?

I’m a 74 year old woman and feel so helpless in these horrific times! But this I know I serve a GOD who holds the future and HE wins!!

Royce, You inspire me and give hope to us all! A voice crying out for Justice!! I’ve said this before! You are my hero and I know God created you for this time in our life!

GOD bless you and give you strength and guidance for such a time as this!

I stand with the party of God!!🙏🏻

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Great letter and I support everything you do.

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Amen!!!! Everything is spot on! Any child deserves LOVE and FAITH most. Material things are fleeting and growing up poor wasn't the worst thing ever. I grew up in a poor family, but we had clean clothes, decent meals, and a safe home with my loving mother and father. God bless the Babies! Thank you, Royce! Save the Baby Humans!

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Royce, your eloquent, insightful thoughts are poignant, powerful, heartbreaking and inspiring. But most importantly, they are the TRUTH. It is clear that our Holy Father has chosen you for this mission and placed you in one of the epicenters of the battle. I know God will give you the love, strength and courage you need to continue the fight against this evil cabal. Please know that people here are with you and praying for you. You are exactly the kind of leader this nation needs.

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I made it through all the way without crying. These are really really powerful words. You must succeed. You are on the winning side. I know you’ll keep fighting. We are a nation of God. We need to stand up and not be silenced for fear of being called racist, homophobic, transphobic, an antivaxxer, etc. If America is lost to globalism, there is no place to go.

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Awesome communication! This 65 year old retiree learns something new whenever I hear or read your words. Thank you and God’s speed.

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One of our founding Fathers said that the Republic is an experiment and will be destroyed from within. That is what is happening today. True American Patriots like Mr. White give me hope for my children and grandchildren.

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Applause and standing ovation! I first saw you speak on War Room. I knew right away you are what our country needs! Thank you for standing up for America. It’s founding values and only hope for our future. I know God will continue to bless and use you for his glory! Joshua 1:9

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Dear Royce White; Excellent, God has his hand on you, I believe the same. A few others like President Trump (Jehu), MTG, DeSantis, Jim Jordan have been constantly, viciously attacked, a Christian in Congress to many lost souls there, is like dragging your fingernails down a chalkboard.. You cannot call yourself a Christian, if you are a Demoncrat. They invoke God but it is not the God of Abaham, Moses, or Jesus. You will know them by their Fruits.. They Voted God out of the 2012 Obama DNC Convention. Removed the Ten Commandments from Public places, Removed God from 'Oaths' taken. Insinga and been trying to take God off of US money. The worst is they believe/ championed Abortion including infanticide and selling of Baby body parts. They believe in LBGTQ Rights including Pedophilia and Drag Queen Story hour, gender and sex education at Grade School, twisting and perverting young minds. There are only TWO GENDERS, GOD MADE THEM, a Man and a Woman, Period, end of discussion. If a Christian debates that, then they are not Christian and don't believe in the Bible ( God's Word). Their God that they invoke is BAAL, Satan, Moloch. There are many Demons in our Government, Arm yourself with God's Amour. Just look at the Podesta emails, Spirit cooking, Epstein Island, Pizza Gate, Adrenochrome Harvesting ( all true). There are Covens and wickedness in High Places in DC. God Bless you, good luck Royce.

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May God bless you. I see you in the White House one day. Do not despair. Do not give up. Many people just need a leader like you to show the way, to sow courage. You will do great things, Royce White.

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The rot is greater than ever imagined. Loved the quote from your coach. Keep up the good fight!

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Your words ring true Royce. I can see your heart is breaking at the realizations you express in your writing. I call upon God's mercy and direction daily. Knowing not where to turn, feeling lost in a world of uncertainty and seeing things are not what I believed them to be. But God is lifting blinders and exposing truth...truth to all who are seeking. You are not alone. We are God's children and servants of truth and love in a den of vipers. Do not look for validation within the republican party, they have lost their way and are not worthy to give direction to those with righteous indignation. The truth can be a heavy burden but know that the burden is shared among God's people. The Republican Party is unrecognizable at this point, with their constant moves to the left, for the sake of bipartisanship. The emerging nationalist populist movement has drawn a line in the sand and can no longer remain silent. We are many, and with God's grace, we continue to fight for restoration and salvation on all fronts. These battles are being fought across this nation. We will be vigilant and unrelenting...because we have to. Blessings of renewal during this Holy Week.

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Keep fighting my friend. Your presence alone in the midst of this is a HUGE gamechanger. We must keep pressing to infiltrate the Republican party at the grassroots along with the school boards and at the precincts. We need to continue to disrupt, attack, and shock the system.

We are rocking them back onto their heels, BUT we must continue to smash and confuse them. You are doing just that. Remain steadfast and strong.

Remember that "If you're losing on the battlefield you're on, then change the battlefield."--Sun Tzu

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You are speaking the capital T Truth. God bless you.

It is obvious that you have wrestled with demons to come to this truth. As have I and I recognize a kindred soul.

God bless you Mr White. You are the real deal.

Contributing again to your campaign. I hope others will too.

Please know that even if this doesn’t go our way this time due to the blindness of our people, or outright voter theft, you are the right man for the job.

Your genuineness causes me heartache, because I fear for the hurt you may endure. You have the wisdom and words similar to our founding fathers. RESPECT to you.

Like the Christians in the amphitheater, you stand.

God bless you man. Godspeed. I wish I had your courage.

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GODSPEED ROYCE! I pray you'll succeed but you are obviously finding out "the republican party" power players in your district are every bit as Godless and evil as the Democrat ones there. Appears there are no "good guys" left doesn't it? I honestly fear Minnesota is a lost cause anymore, it's terribly sad. I pray others will see the light!

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