An Open Letter to The Democrats
Foreshadowed Lynching of GOP candidate Royce White: The Liberal Lynch Mob vs. Free People of America
Dear Democrats,
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.
Yesterday was a monumental day for our community. Outside The Federal Reserve here in Minneapolis, I announced my Republican candidacy in the coming mid-term election for Minnesota’s 5th congressional district. A storm is brewing in this country. I thought it somewhat ironic the open letter I wrote to Governor Tim Walz, back in 2020, was entitled “Winter is Coming” and my campaign announcement was blessed with the backdrop of a heavy blizzard snow. The One True God does not make mistakes and he is a mighty God. I have left the plantation! Black people are leaving the democrat plantation! It will not be all at once, just as slavery did not end all at once. There were some slaves who chose to stay behind. But the first major political migration of this era has begun. In retrospect, the greatest weapon used against the slaves was not the physical pain of the lash or the hounds, it was psychological domination and control. The inculcation of dependency by which we were made to feel we had no better options. Like what we face now. Black people have become an ideological prop of the Democratic Party. Unlike the slaves whose value was to till the land and do other manual labor, we are just a show piece of a woke political theater. Told to run, jump, and sit, with a whisper instead of a shouting command. With algorithms instead of bullhorns and dog whistles. Like when President Joe Biden brazenly says: “If you don’t vote for me you ain’t Black.” Some of us aren’t so easily fooled, some of us still remember. Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, and he was a Republican. Fredrick Douglas was a Republican. Martin Luther King was a Republican. Malcolm X was a conservative. I’m a populist and we are leaving the plantation.
For all the liberal establishment’s pandering and posturing about race, it is clear that race is not an interest of your sentimental values or moral goodness; rather, race is simply a matter of political capital. The “mattering” of Black lives goes right out the window as soon as any Black person decides to think for themselves or deviate from the agenda. Really there is no greater form of racism. There is no greater form of tyranny. The freedom of thought and agency over one’s own mind is the most hallowed ground of human rights.
But let’s not kid ourselves here. The real scam is this entire notion that human rights is central to the Democratic Party Platform. It certainly has been promoted as such. From the streets of Minneapolis to the corridors of Davos, Switzerland. In this way Black people are a microcosm of a political Ponzi scheme being run on people of all races, in many nations. When we hear globalists like Klaus Schwab say, “You’ll own nothing but be happy”, some of us still carry that lived experience in our genetic coding that responds… “You mean slavery 2.0”. Like our Jewish brothers and sisters who know to flee before the bread rises, I know to fight before the chains come. When the “Neuralinks” go online and people lease them, (since we won’t own anything) does it mean that the tech companies will own a piece of our mind? Or maybe the better question is do the tech companies already own a piece of our minds? You motherfuckers don’t own me. You don’t own my mind. I will die for the rights and freedoms that this nation’s constitution affords me before I see myself, my family or my countrymen returned to chains. Your arrogance and petulance insults me to my core. Like Napoleon, your ambitions and lust for power have led you into the wintery chasms of Russia. Unaware of the reckoning you face. We will not live on our knees. We will not live in chains. We will not live in fear of this federal government and your globalist co-conspirators.
There is nothing about this “blind race loyalty” to The Democratic Party that is even remotely legitimate or logical, for citizens of a constitutional republic. And this is probably right around the time the lynching begins. I am the example of your true hatred for Black skin. I am an example that racism does still exist here in America. Not in the caricature of far-right white supremacy, alt-right republicanism, or old fashioned conservatism; but, in far left ideology and communism. For Christ sakes, you all are at the altar of Xi Jinping.
Within the first hours of my announcement, we can already see the sheep descend. And as expected the Democratic platform contradicts itself in every conceivable way. The personal angles used to try and assassinate my character are all examples of the liberal hypocrisy. These are the same social angles, that when advantageous, are used to hijack legislation and pass globalist policy in the name of Black lives. Which has really become a major front for “intersectionality”. That’s why I’m running for Congress. That propaganda isn’t about benefiting the people of intersecting demographics at all, but about grouping them together and profiting from their fear and thus compliance. Fortunately, I was blessed with a huge set of American balls. These warlocks struggle with the idea of fear and compliance. Now I know many people would love to see me refrain from “vulgar” language, but that’s the thin veil of civility that has been taken advantage of. I don’t mince words with people who seek to enslave me and I for damn sure don’t apologize to them. Let’s examine some of the man-shaming politics you hypocrites tried on day one.
“Royce White Owes Child Support.”
This one is probably the most hypocritical and demented. First, I was ordered to pay child support based on a NBA salary, that I never made, because I had the balls to stand up to the NBA and other corporate elites. People and institutions that run the Democratic Party. An NBA that also bows at the altar of Xi Jinping. I was court ordered by the same courts that Democrats used for Roe vs. Wade, but also discount the 2nd Amendment. The same courts that have (at times) been politicized and participated in this globalist project to undermine our constitution. The same courts that let the Wall Street tycoons scam trillions of dollars with no more than a slap on the wrist. The same courts that now hang two children over my head like the sword of Damocles. Many fathers across our great nation feel the squeeze and tyranny of the family court system, which isn’t only motivated by a feminist ethos to protect or get economic justice for mothers, but also to systematically disincentivize reproduction altogether. Along with marriage and ultimately the nuclear family.
It’s much easier to accept the idea of being a metropolitan “global citizen”, when the local seems so trivial and dis-anchored from familial bonds. And that’s really what the dig, “Royce owes child support” is meant to promote. Just come out and say it… Just say you think I should’ve aborted my children. Say that if I can’t give my children some affluent, hyper material lifestyle, then they’re better off not being here. How very Bill Gates of you.
If you don’t see 30 million Black babies as a genocide, then you don’t understand the word genocide. Which is probably why you’re slow to talk about the Uyghur genocide. Forced abortions and birth control, being used by The CCP to wipe out their own cultural minority. We have an abortion crisis in the Black community. This crisis is deeply rooted in a very legitimate fear of not being able to provide for children, in this economically inflated, superficial, material culture. I’m proud of my children. They are healthy, they are strong, and they are loved. I embrace the constant battle of parenting them and I’m grateful for the opportunity to struggle to provide for them. My children have never wanted for anything, accept more of my time. Which ironically, I have had to spend fighting the tyranny and corruption of your elitist establishment. Don’t try and child shame a Black man you self-loathing sycophants. Your demonic possession is on full display. Every child was and is a miracle, that carries the distinct signature of God. Sacrificed for by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Any insinuation or shame brought against God’s divine role in procreation, is a heresy of the highest order. I rebuke it in his name. But I sort of expect that, seeing how the Democratic platform now openly suggests that Christianity and Jesus Christ are homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, and racist. Unless… the pope will concede to let gay men be priests and have the church vaccinate every man, woman, and child? Right? ARTIFICE!
“Royce White Is Afraid To Fly.”
Maybe the proliferation of psychological weapons such as social media, are causing people to be so selective in their morality. I can’t think of anybody that exhibits this contradiction more than Democrats. You all talk about safe spaces, hate speech and every other form of “woke” virtue signaling. Yet on day one of my campaign, you just couldn’t help yourselves, could you? Just like with race and children, political affiliation overrides everything. Especially your own self-proclaimed morals. The same party that talks about being attacked, shamed, and bullied, insults me for being afraid to fly.
First, that just isn’t a very good insult. I prefer my feet on the ground. I’m not in that big of a hurry. More importantly though, it shows many Democrats suffer from an affliction more common than aerophobia; you’re headline readers. The contradiction is, you claim America is riddled with white supremacy, most easily observed in the hierarchical structure of America’s legacy institutions. Also known and commonly referred to by Democrats as the “patriarchy”. But at a moment’s notice you have no problem discarding this idea altogether when politically motivated. As soon as it’s convenient, you will use the same “patriarchal media” to verify and justify your own vitriol. Attack me for my mental health advocacy? There is no patriarchy. Especially in the context you all try to use it. Now again because my balls are huge! That whole “afraid to fly” joke doesn’t really feel like an attack at all. Even though it is certainly intended to be. More like flies at a family barbecue. However, it does expose the neoliberal ideology for the house of cards that it really is. Many of you truly believe being liberal or Democrat discounts you from racism or bigotry. When in actuality, you’re some of the most racist and bigoted people in America. Am I really being shamed for publicly talking about my fear of flying? That’s not even the worst part of it. The worst part is you were lied to and it was so easy for the establishment and mainstream media to do. In this example it becomes clear that the biggest problem in America isn’t racism or bigotry, but epistemology.
The worst part is… when I was advocating for mental health policies ten years ago, and criticizing the business first attitude of this corporatocracy, many of you laughed. Many of you ridiculed me and said: “just take drugs and get the money.” Many of you (now woke) liberals were so busy getting high, drunk, and caught up in materialism, you couldn’t even imagine turning down millions of dollars on principle. Many of you now lack the opportunity for genuine self-sacrifice due to the indoctrination of sin, so you have found wokeism as a replacement. Many of you don’t even realize when you’re talking about “trauma” on social media, I was one of the central voices that kickstarted that conversation and made it okay. Many of you weren’t even in middle school yet when I was fighting the system. And I want you to know I’m not pandering to you when I say I made it okay to talk about trauma. I’m truly disappointed in how this corny “woke movement” has bastardized the mental health conversation. Perverting it into some radical, arbitrary, victimhood… weaponized for ideological and political advancement.
I’m flying high right now because the truth gives me wings. To deal with anxiety is to be human. To confront anxiety is to be courageous. When I say “confront”, I don’t mean confront by posting how anxious you are on social media, and thinking support is getting likes and comments from people saying: “I support you”. I mean confront as in, take that which is broken inside you and will it out of you. I spoke up about mental health and anxiety because it’s the greatest social issue of our time. It was and still is the greatest example of our inability to look in the mirror. Unfortunately, I couldn’t have been more right. Our corporations, government and individuals must look in the mirror. You Democrats must look in the mirror. Not for the sake of elections or politics, but for the sake of your own sanity. Which is in dire straits for many. And when I say “many”, I mean you.
“Royce White has Debt.”
This is probably the most interesting and salient of all 3 lynchings. We have a national debt of $30 trillion. Which is still on the way up at $100 million per hour. That’s $5.3 million per minute. That’s $88,333.33 per second. This is all being paid for on the credit of the American working class. Our great, great, great grandchildren are being put in debt by reckless and incompetent financial policies. Which is something most people don’t really pay much attention to because they’re too caught up in the sexual politics and gossip politics, that I just laid out in the first 2 lynchings. America has debt and Americans have debt. The average American family cannot put together $500 in a crisis. Meanwhile, they get locked them down for Covid and told they’re being helped with “relief stimulus”; but, in reality, it’s just created fake money added to the burden on their own hard working back.
This is economic tyranny. This is the hyper concentration and transfer of wealth. Why has the pandemic made the super wealthy wealthier than ever before? Again, you people come to the podium and say: “build back better”, “the great reset”, “the fourth industrial revolution”, etc. like it’s some sort of iconic deal. The deal is “People are going to own nothing but be happy.” What’s so absurd about the deal is you never say… “WE WON’T OWN ANYTHING.” Because you plan to take everything and eventual own us. We won’t have a nation because they’ll be no more borders. We’ll basically be global drones built for one thing: consumption. Leasing a life around the world. The catch is, we won’t really have enough money to travel anywhere because along with this nationless status comes a financial collapse of biblical proportions. Which can only be avoided by a some geopolitical cooperation that we certainly won’t get a vote in, because the decisions will be made in Davos Switzerland. There, the membership won’t be a birthright like American citizenship, but determined by wealth — and only really attainable by the elites. Hell, more like the elites of the elites. Many are just too high to see it. Some are actually getting high in the literal sense, which is impairing their ability to see it or do anything about it. But when I say “high”, I mean the material high we been given to keep us distracted. You working class Democrats will be stuck in the same place as working class conservatives and libertarians with your woke politics. Getting rations of food and treated like a second class citizen, in what will be the ultimate class system. But you’ll be the people the rest of us look at with especially somber eyes. Everybody will know it was with your vote that these globalists pulled off the greatest scam in history.
To be frank we already live in a two-class society, the middle class already eviscerated by the outsourcing of our jobs in pursuit of a little more profit. With a bourgeoisie class that serves as the go between and continues to feed you woke politics to distract you from the economic tyranny. They harvest votes through cultural brainwashing. Crippling the one country, MY COUNTRY, that’s constitution is explicitly written to empower it’s people (We The People) to stop such a depraved project. But hey, when the new Twitter CEO says we don’t have to be beholden to the first amendment… I guess it’s just par for the course. Keep typing away… and make sure the pronouns in your bio are right. You’re being lied to. ARTIFICE!
“Any Final Words Royce”
My entire adult life I’ve fought against this establishment. I’ve sacrificed more in ten years than most people will sacrifice in their lifetime. Maybe you haven’t really looked around, but really good professional basketball players have more money than ever. I’m a really good professional basketball player. When you tell a billion-dollar corporation like the NBA that they can go shove it instead of selling out, you’re going to have financial problems. Of course, I have debt. Of course, it’s been difficult to make good on a child support calculated for an NBA salary. This is the new price of freedom. It’s not a monetary cost, most of us blue collar serfs will never have enough money to obtain economic freedom in this neofeudalistic society. It’s not a physical death, although that will come for us all. When I say the price of freedom is death, I’m quoting Malcolm X (who many of you Democrats secretly hate). In today’s America he would also be called homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, antisemitic, etc.
When I say the price of freedom is death, I mean the death of ridicule. The death of being “exposed” by a populace that is having trouble distinguishing the good guys from the bad guys. A populace that is having trouble distinguishing courage from cowardice. A populace that is having trouble understanding the difference between tyranny and freedom.
You can’t debt shame me… child shame me or straight shame me. You can’t shame me for having big balls…. You can’t mental health shame me... You can’t Christian shame me and you certainly can’t American shame me. Because I know the game and I understand the scam. You can lynch me for being a Black man with enough courage to walk off this political plantation. You can lynch me for forcing you to look in the mirror. You can lynch me for being able to think for myself. But lynching me won’t change a thing because the truth never dies. It just gets coiled up, repressed and amalgamated into your spirit. There for you to draw on when the next man tells the truth. I’m not ashamed at all. I’m not perfect, but Black men are done laying down for cowards. I’m a fighter. I’m a proud Black American warrior. We are at war and if you’d put your phone down long enough to ask yourself some tough questions... You might be able to see it. You people want people want to turn politics into reality TV, so you can discourage patriotic Americans from running for office. I am motivated to represent the people. I’m ready to talk about policy, power, and governance. What do you want to talk about?
Royce Alexander White
Free People of America
P.S. [Trigger Warning] For many of you Democrat ideologues it feels like a traumatic experience to encounter the truth. That’s just God working to rid you of the demons. Let Him work! He is capable of all things and great miracles. Have faith in Him. You may have been expecting an olive branch of moderation from a new Black Republican candidate. I’m not selling you some used car. I just don’t play that way. I love you all, but this is about truth. Pandering is not what this country needs. I’m here to wake up the lions. To my constitutionalist, conservative and libertarian constituents, this is how WE THE PEOPLE take the lead. That is the only chance at a future this country has left. We must decide if America is worth saving. Many people in our country believe America is dead. Many people in power are orchestrating this managed decline. The referendum on the America people, American values and the American dream is underway. No apologies! No selling out! God Bless America!
It’s Time To Clean House
I’m running for Congress in MN-CD5 against Ilhan Omar as the GOP candidate. Find out more at #Godspeed
Exceptional piece, wish I was in your district just so I could vote for you.